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Ted Talks from the Department

Listen to the TED Talks from Neurobiology Professors Ravi Allada, Bill Klein, and Xu Liu

Professors Ravi Allada, Bill Klein, and Xu Liu gave TED talks regarding their research.  You can check them out below:

How Genes Will Solve Mystery of Sleep: Ravi Allada at TEDx Northern Illinois University

Everybody talks about Alzheimer's disease: William Klein at TEDxNorthernIllinoisUniversity

Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu: A mouse. A laser beam. A manipulated memory

Activating positive memories: Steven Ramirez and Xu Liu at TedxBoston

According to their mission statement, “TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world.”  They are an organization with a global audience featuring talks from some of the foremost thinkers in their fields.