Major Requirements
The major requirements in Neuroscience consist of:
Related coursework in other sciences
- A General Chemistry sequence; see the Department of Chemistry web page for options
- An Introductory Physics sequences; see the Department of Physics web page for options
- MATH 220-1 Differential Calculus and Math 220-2 Integral Calculus, or MATH 218-1, MATH 218-2 and MATH 218-3 Single-Variable Calculus with Precalculus
- BIOL_SCI 201-0 Molecular Biology or passing score on BIOL_SCI 201-0 placement test may substitute
- One Statistics course (CSD 304-0, IEMS 201-0, PSYCH 201-0, STAT 202-0, STAT 210-0, STAT 383-0)
- Computer Programming (COMP_SCI 110-0 or COMP_SCI 111-0 or INTG_SCI 101-1, INTG_SCI 101-2 or BIOL_SCI 323-0 or ES_APPM 370-1)
- NEW: ES_APPM 375-1 may be used to fulfill either the Statistics or the Computer Programming requirement, but not both.
Neuroscience Core courses (2 required)
- NEUROSCI 202-0 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience*
- NEUROSCI 206-0 Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience*
Projected Annual Course Plan: NEUROSCI
Neuroscience Electives (choose 4, 2 each from Group A and Group B)
Group A electives focus on human behavior and the human brain (choose 2):
- COG SCI 210-0 Language and the Brain
- CSD 303-0 or PSYCH 327-0 Brain and Cognition
- CSD 310-0 Biological Foundations of Speech and Music
- PSYCH 110-0 Introduction to Psychology
- PSYCH 228-0 Cognitive Psychology
- PSYCH 244-0 Developmental Psychology
- PSYCH 248-0 Health Psychology
- PSYCH 324-0 Perception
- PSYCH 328-0 Brain Damage and the Mind
- PSYCH 330-0-1 Topics in Neuroscience Brain and Language, this course substituted for Cognitive Science 210 (prior to Fall 2024) but no longer does.
- PSYCH 391-0 Advanced Seminar in Cognition or Neuroscience Allowed sections include: 1. Left Brain, Right Brain; 2. Creative Problem Solving; and 3. Language and the Mind. Please provide a syllabus for other sections of these seminars for consideration.
- PSYCH 392-0 Allowed sections include 1. Psychoneuroimmunology and 2. Emotional Brain. Please provide a syllabus for other sections of these seminars for consideration.
Projected Annual Course Plans: COG_SCI, CSD, PSYCH
Group B electives focus on molecular, cellular, and systems level mechanisms of brain function (choose 2):
- NEUROSCI 303-0 Molecular Mechanisms of Neuropsychopharmacology*
- NEUROSCI 304-0 Developmental Neurobiology*
- NEUROSCI 308-0 Genetics of Human Behavior*
- NEUROSCI 311-0 Biophysical Analysis of Neurons for ISP* (With approval of the director of undergraduate studies, if not used in place of NEUROSCI 202-0) Offered BiAnnually.
- NEUROSCI 320-0 Animal Behavior*
- NEUROSCI 324-0 Neurobiology of Biological Clocks and Sleep*
- NEUROSCI 325-0 Neurobiology of Stress, Adversity, and Resilience*
- NEUROSCI 326-0 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory*
- NEUROSCI 350-0 Advanced Neurophysiology Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 355-0 Neurogenetics of Behavior Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 357-0 Neuroanatomy Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 360-0 Neuroscience of Brain Disorders*
- NEUROSCI 365-0 Neurobiology of Prediction* Offered BiAnnually.
- NEUROSCI 370-0 Genetic and Circuit Analysis of Motivated Behavior*
- NEUROSCI 377-0 Neurobiology of Sensation and Perception*
- NEUROSCI 390-0 Topics in Neuroscience* All sections
- BIOL-SCI 303-0 Molecular Neurobiology
- BIOL_SCI 307-0 Brain Structure, Function, and Evolution
- ES_APPM 370-1 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
Projected Annual Course Plans: NEUROSCI, BIOL_SCI, ES_APPM
Allied Field (choose 4 courses from one of the fields below. Two of which must be a 300-level or above course)
Neuroscience majors who have declared in August 2021 or beyond are required to adhere to the 2021-2022 requirements. As such, students will choose four units within one Allied Field for interdisciplinary study. Two of which must be 300-level or above courses.
Laboratory Experience
All Neuroscience majors must gain laboratory experience. There are two ways to do this:
- Earn two units of credit from NEUROSCI 398-0 or NEUROSCI 399-0 Research in a relevant field, approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies, which also may substitute for an Allied Field course, or
- Earn at least one unit of credit from 200-level or higher laboratory or methods coursework.
- NEUROSCI 350-0 Advanced Neurophysiology Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 355-0 Neurogenetics of Behavior Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 357-0 Neuroanatomy Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 390-0 Topics in Neuroscience: Sections designated as Laboratory*
- PSYCH 205-0 Research Methods in Psychology*
- BIOL_SCI 220-0, BIOL_SCI 221-0, BIOL_SCI 222-0 or BIOl_SCI 232-0, BIOL_SCI 233-0, BIOL_SCI 234-0
- BIO_ SCI 305-0
- Other with the approval of the Neuroscience Director of Undergraduate Studies
Double Counting
Between Neuroscience and other majors: Neuroscience electives may not be double counted toward another major. Up to two Allied Field courses may be double counted toward another major. All Related coursework may be double counted toward another major. No double counting of courses is allowed between Neuroscience and any minor.
Within the Neuroscience major: A course may not be counted toward both an Allied Field and an elective. However, an approved laboratory course or two credits of 398/399 research in a relevant field, approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies, may be used to fulfill both the laboratory experience requirement as well as serving as one Allied Field course. NEUROSCI 398/399 may not be used as a Group B elective.
* Indicates courses for which the Neuroscience major provides pre-registration privileges.