Major Requirements
Neuroscience Major requirements are listed in the catalog of your requirement year.
Related coursework in other sciences
- A General Chemistry sequence; see the Department of Chemistry web page for options
- An Introductory Physics sequences; see the Department of Physics web page for options
- MATH 220-1 Differential Calculus and MATH 220-2 Integral Calculus, or MATH 218-1, MATH 218-2 and MATH 218-3 Single-Variable Calculus with Precalculus
- BIOL_SCI 201-0 Molecular Biology or passing score on BIOL_SCI 201-0 placement test may substitute
- One Statistics course (BIOL_SCI 337-0, BMD_ENG 220-0, CSD 304-0, IEMS 201-0, PSYCH 201-0, STAT 202-0, STAT 210-0, STAT 383-0 or ES-APPM 375-1)
- Computer Programming (COMP_SCI 110-0 or COMP_SCI 111-0 or INTG_SCI 101-1, INTG_SCI 101-2 or BIOL_SCI 323-0 or ES_APPM 370-1)
- NEW: ES_APPM 375-1 may be used to fulfill either the Statistics or the Computer Programming requirement, but not both.
Neuroscience Core courses (2 required)
- NEUROSCI 202-0 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience*
- NEUROSCI 206-0 Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience*
Projected Annual Course Plan: NEUROSCI
Neuroscience Electives (choose 4, 2 each from Group A and Group B)
Group A electives focus on human behavior and the human brain (choose 2):
- COG SCI 210-0 Language and the Brain
- CSD 303-0 or PSYCH 327-0 Brain and Cognition
- CSD 310-0 Biological Foundations of Speech and Music
- PSYCH 110-0 Introduction to Psychology
- PSYCH 228-0 Cognitive Psychology
- PSYCH 244-0 Developmental Psychology
- PSYCH 248-0 Health Psychology
- PSYCH 324-0 Perception
- PSYCH 328-0 Brain Damage and the Mind
- PSYCH 330-0-1 Topics in Neuroscience Brain and Language, this course substituted for Cognitive Science 210 (prior to Fall 2024) but no longer does.
- PSYCH 336-0 Consciousness
- PSYCH 378-0 Images of Cognition
- PSYCH 391-0 Advanced Seminar in Cognition or Neuroscience Allowed sections include: 1. Left Brain, Right Brain; 2. Creative Problem Solving; and 3. Language and the Mind. Please provide a syllabus for other sections of these seminars for consideration.
- PSYCH 392-0 Allowed sections include 1. Psychoneuroimmunology and 2. Emotional Brain. Please provide a syllabus for other sections of these seminars for consideration.
Projected Annual Course Plans: COG_SCI, CSD, PSYCH
Group B electives focus on molecular, cellular, and systems level mechanisms of brain function (choose 2):
- NEUROSCI 303-0 Molecular Mechanisms of Neuropsychopharmacology*
- NEUROSCI 304-0 Developmental Neurobiology*
- NEUROSCI 308-0 Genetics of Human Behavior*
- NEUROSCI 311-0 Biophysical Analysis of Neurons for ISP* (With approval of the director of undergraduate studies, if not used in place of NEUROSCI 202-0) Offered BiAnnually.
- NEUROSCI 320-0 Animal Behavior*
- NEUROSCI 324-0 Neurobiology of Biological Clocks and Sleep*
- NEUROSCI 325-0 Neurobiology of Stress, Adversity, and Resilience*
- NEUROSCI 326-0 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory*
- NEUROSCI 350-0 Advanced Neurophysiology Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 355-0 Neurogenetics of Behavior Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 357-0 Neuroanatomy Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 360-0 Neuroscience of Brain Disorders*
- NEUROSCI 365-0 Neurobiology of Prediction* Offered BiAnnually.
- NEUROSCI 366-0 Brain Function Through the Lens of Computation* Previously NEUROSCI 390-0-28
- NEUROSCI 370-0 Genetic and Circuit Analysis of Motivated Behavior*
- NEUROSCI 377-0 Neurobiology of Sensation and Perception*
- NEUROSCI 390-0 Topics in Neuroscience* All sections
- BIOL-SCI 303-0 Molecular Neurobiology
- BIOL_SCI 307-0 Brain Structure, Function, and Evolution
- ES_APPM 370-1 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
Projected Annual Course Plans: NEUROSCI, BIOL_SCI, ES_APPM
Please refer to the catalog of your requirement year for the most accurate requirements.
Allied Field (choose 4 courses from one of the fields below. Two of which must be a 300-level or above course)
Neuroscience majors will choose four units from the list within one Allied Field for interdisciplinary study. Two of which must be 300-level or above courses.
Laboratory Experience
All Neuroscience majors must gain laboratory experience. There are two ways to do this:
- Earn two units of credit from NEUROSCI 398-0 or NEUROSCI 399-0 Research in a relevant field, approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies, which also may substitute for an Allied Field course, or
- Earn at least one unit of credit from 200-level or higher laboratory or methods coursework.
- NEUROSCI 350-0 Advanced Neurophysiology Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 355-0 Neurogenetics of Behavior Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 357-0 Neuroanatomy Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 390-0 Topics in Neuroscience: Sections designated as Laboratory*
- PSYCH 205-0 Research Methods in Psychology*
- BIOL_SCI 220-0, BIOL_SCI 221-0, BIOL_SCI 222-0 or BIOl_SCI 232-0, BIOL_SCI 233-0, BIOL_SCI 234-0
- BIO_ SCI 305-0
- Other with the approval of the Neuroscience Director of Undergraduate Studies
Double Counting
Between Neuroscience and other majors/minors: Neuroscience electives may not be double counted toward another major/minor. Up to two Neuroscience Allied Field courses may be double counted toward another major but not toward a minor in WCAS. All "Related coursework" in Neuroscience may be double counted toward another major/minor. A few WCAS exceptions may be found at this link.
Within the Neuroscience major: A course may not be counted toward both an Allied Field and an elective. However, an approved laboratory course or two credits of 398/399 research in a relevant field, approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies, may be used to fulfill both the laboratory experience requirement as well as serving as one Allied Field course. NEUROSCI 398/399 may not be used as a Group B elective.
* Indicates courses for which the Neuroscience major provides pre-registration privileges.