Biology Allied Field
Biology is the study of living organisms at molecular, cellular, systems, and community levels. Within the Neuroscience major, the Biology Allied Field includes courses that focus on the biological functions of the brain, as well as more general biological sciences courses. This option may be used toward admission requirements of most medical schools.
Electives in the Biology Allied Field (choose 4 units from the list below, 2 courses which must be 300-level or above).
Courses in the first group are listed separately because they are prerequisites for some of the additional electives in Biology.
BIOL_SCI 202-0 and BIOL_SCI 203-0 may be used as electives in the Neuroscience major’s Biology Allied Field.
- CHEM 210-1 or CHEM 212-1 or CHEM 215-1 Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 210-2 or CHEM 212-2 or CHEM 215-2 Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 210-3 or CHEM 212-3 or CHEM 215-3 Organic Chemistry
- BIOL_SCI 301-0 or BIOL_SCI 308-0 Biochemistry (formerly BIO_ SCI 218-0)
- CHEM 232-1 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (laboratory for CHEM 212-1, 0.34 units)
- CHEM 232-2 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (laboratory for CHEM 212-2, 0.34 units)
- CHEM 235-1 or CHEM 230-2 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (laboratory for CHEM 210-2 or CHEM 215-1, 0.34 units)
- CHEM 235-2 or CHEM 230-2 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (laboratory for CHEM 210-2 or CHEM 215-2, 0.34 units)
- CHEM 235-3 or CHEM 230-3 Advanced Chemistry Laboratory (laboratory for CHEM 210-3, or CHEM 215-3, 0.34 units)
- BIOL_SCI 220-0 or BIOL_SCI 232-0 Genetic and Molecular Processes Laboratory (0.34 units)
- BIO_ SCI 221-0 or BIOL_SCI 233-0 Cellular Processes Laboratory (0.34 units)
- BIOL_SCI 222-0 or BIOL_SCI 234-0 Investigative Laboratory (0.34 units)
Additional Electives in Biology
Neuroscience courses listed here may be taken as a Group B Neuroscience elective or an elective for the Allied Field in Biology, but each course may count either toward Group B or the Allied Field in Biology but not both.
- NEUROSCI 303-0 Molecular Mechanisms of Neuropsychopharmacology*
- NEUROSCI 304-0 Developmental Neurobiology*
- NEUROSCI 308-0 Genetics of Human Behavior*
- NEUROSCI 311-0 Biophysical Analysis of Neurons for ISP* If not used as substitute for NEUROSCI 202-0
- NEUROSCI 320-0 Animal Behavior*
- NEUROSCI 324-0 Neurobiology of Biological Clocks and Sleep*
- NEUROSCI 325-0 Neurobiology of Stress, Adversity, and Resilience*
- NEUROSCI 326-0 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory*
- NEUROSCI 350-0 Advanced Neurophysiology Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 355-0 Neurogenetics of Behavior Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 357-0 Neuroanatomy Laboratory*
- NEUROSCI 360-0 Neuroscience of Brain Disorders*
- NEUROSCI 365-0 Neurobiology of Prediction*
- NEUROSCI 366-0 Brain Function Through the Lens of Computation* Previously NEUROSCI 390-0-28
- NEUROSCI 370-0 Genetic and Circuit Analysis of Motivated Behavior*
- NEUROSCI 377-0 Neurobiology of Sensation and Perception*
- NEUROSCI 390-0 Topics in Neuroscience*
- BIOL_SCI 303-0 Molecular Neurobiology
- BIOL_SCI 307-0 Brain Structure, Function, and Evolution
Projected Annual Course Plans: NEUROSCI
Biological Sciences courses listed here also may be counted toward the Allied Field in Biology (choose 4 units from the list below, 2 courses which must be 300-level or above).
- BIOL_SCI 202-0 Cell Biology
- BIOL_SCI 203-0 Genetics and Evolution
- BIOL_SCI 232-0 Molecular and Cellular Processes Laboratory (0.34)
- BIOL_SCI 233-0 Genetics and Molecular Processes Laboratory (0.34)
- BIOL_SCI 234-0 Investigative Laboratory (0.34)
- BIOL_SCI 301-0 Principles of Biochemistry
- BIOL_SCI 303-0 Molecular Neurobiology (This course may count either toward Group B Neuroscience electives or the Allied Field in Biology, but not both.)
- BIOL_SCI 307-0 Brain Structure, Function, and Evolution (This course may count either toward Group B Neuroscience electives or the Allied Field in Biology, but not both.)
- BIOL_SCI 310-0 Human Physiology
- BIOL_SCI 315-0 Advanced Cell Biology
- BIOL_SCI 319-0 Biology of Animal Viruses
- BIOl-SCI 323-0 Bioinformatics: Sequence and Structure Analysis
- BIOL_SCI 325-0 Animal Physiology
- BIOL_SCI 327-0 Biology of Aging
- BIOL_SCI 328-0 Microbiology
- BIOL_SCI 338-0 Modeling Biological Dynamics
- BIOL_SCI 341-0 Population Genetics
- BIOL_SCI 353-0 Molecular Biology Laboratory
- BIOL_SCI 354-0 Systems Biology
- BIOL_SCI 355-0 Immunobiology
- BIOL_SCI 360-0 Principles of Cell Signaling
- BIOL_SCI 361-0 Protein Structure and Function
- BIOL_SCI 363-0 Biophysics
- BIOL_SCI 377-0 The Human Microbiome
- BIOL_SCI 378-0 Functional Genomics
- BIOL_SCI 380-0 Biology of Cancer
- BIOL_SCI 381-0 Stem Cells and Regeneration
- BIOL_SCI 390-0 Advanced Molecular Biology
- BIOL_SCI 391-0 Development and Evolution of Body Plans
- BIOL_SCI 392-0 Morphogenesis
- BIOL_SCI 393-0 Human Genomics
- BIOL_SCI 395-0 Molecular Genetics
- CHEM 215-1 Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 215-2 Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 215-3 Organic Chemistry III
- CHEM 235-1 Organic Chemistry Lab I (0.34 Units)
- CHEM 235-2 Organic Chemistry Lab II (0.34 Units)
- CHEM 235-3 Organic Chemistry Lab III (0.34 Units)
Projected Annual Course Plans: BIOL SCI
* Indicates courses for which the Neuroscience major provides pre-registration privileges. Schedule an appointment .