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Computation and Systems Modeling Allied Field

Computation and Systems Modeling is the quantitative study of complex problems and systems through the use of mathematics, physics, and computer simulation. Within the Neuroscience major, the Computation and Systems Modeling Allied Field focuses on equipping students with analytical tools that are used to study neural information processing and dynamics, often involving large datasets.

Electives in the Computation and Systems Modeling Allied Field (choose 4 units, 2 courses which must be 300-level or above).

For Neuroscience Majors who declared prior to August 2021, 6 units chosen from the list below.

Courses in the first group are listed separately because they are prerequisites for some of the additional electives in Computation and Systems Modeling.

For ISP students, ISP courses listed below may count toward both ISP requirements and Computation and Systems Modeling.

Any one of the series below is an alternative for the above four classes:

Projected Annual Course Plans: MATH

Additional electives in Computation and Systems Modeling

Projected Annual Course Plans: MATH, PHYSICS, STATISTICS

* Indicates courses for which the Neuroscience major provides pre-registration privileges.  Neuroscience may now be declared as a major. Requests for appointments may be made by emailing  Please be sure to list when you are available to meet with Dr. Brown or Dr. Kilman.