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Declaring a Major

Declaring a major in Neuroscience

If you are considering becoming a Neuroscience Major or are certain that you will become a Neuroscience Major:

You may declare a major in Neuroscience at any point up until your Petition to Graduate is filed, but it is preferable to declare by Winter quarter of your sophomore year. If you are dropping another major, this can be done using the same form and at the same time that you declare Neuroscience as your major. Please be sure to let Dr. Kilman know if you are keeping additional majors or minors at this meeting.

NOTE: Requests for appointments may be made by emailing  Please be sure include your student id number and a list of when you are available to meet with an adviser on Wednesday or Thursday, 11 am until 4:30 pm.  If you are unavailable during these times, please request an exception listing your availability.