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Bill Klein Publishes Findings for Amyloid β and Alzheimer’s

The Klein lab published a paper in the journal, Acta Neuropathologica, about their latest findings in diagnosing and treating Alzheimer’s. In the article, Amyloid β oligomers in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis, treatment, and diagnosis, Dr. Klein discusses how Amyloid β “offers appealing targets for therapeutics and diagnostics. Promising therapeutic strategies include use of CNS insulin signaling enhancers to protect against the presence of toxins and elimination of the toxins through use of highly specific AβO antibodies. An AD-dependent accumulation of AβOs in CSF suggests their potential use as biomarkers and new AβO probes are opening the door to brain imaging. Overall, current evidence indicates that Aβ oligomers provide a substantive molecular basis for the cause, treatment and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.”

22 January 2015