NEUROSCI 206-0-20 Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience
Introduction to the organization and function of brain systems and their role in generating behavior. Prerequisite: NEUROSCI 202-0 or NEUROSCI 311-0 or BIOL_SCI 302-0.
NEUROSCI 311-0 Biophysical Analysis of Neurons for ISP (Not a Group B Elective)
Neuronal ion channels, membrane properties, synaptic transmission, and transduction. Prerequisite: ISP Majors Only or Neuroscience Major with permission of the Neuroscience Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Learn to record electrophysiological signals (action potentials and post synaptic potentials) from living neural systems using amplifiers and recording equipment commonly found in research labs around the world. Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0; and consent of instructor.
Survey of brain disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases, schizophrenia, addiction and traumatic brain injury. Trace progress from the laboratory to the clinic, evaluate the state of knowledge and understand future directions. Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; NEUROSCI 311-0 AND NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0. Recommend review of basic genetics and molecular biology.
NEUROSCI 377-0 Neurobiology of Sensation and Perception
Analysis of the key concepts underlying the neurobiological mechanisms of vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch and pain. The neural pathways leading to perception and processing of stimuli will also be discussed. Prerequisite: NEUROSCI 202-0 or NEUROSCI 311-0 or BIOL_SCI 302-0.
How does sensory perception guide our behavior? This course will investigate how the brain processes sensory input to guide voluntary movement. The course will examine higher level sensory processing, attention, decision making, and motor control at the level of neural systems. NEUROSCI 390-01 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology. Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0.
NEUROSCI 390-0-22 Neurobiology of Stress, Adversity, and Resilience
This writing-intensive and discussion-based course will draw from primary literature on the neurobiology of healthy and toxic stress, individual differences in stress susceptibility and resilience, to explore biological mechanisms by which adversity can influence health and other outcomes. Oral presentations and a final paper are required. No textbook required. Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0 .
NEUROSCI 390-0-22 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.
NEUROSCI 390-0-23 Genetic and Circuit Analysis of Motivated Behavior
Critical explorations of brain structures and functions (and dysfunctions) underlying motivated behaviors to maintain homeostasis. May be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology. Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0.
NEUROSCI 390-0-23 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.
Instruction in writing a scientific thesis, discussion of student projects, instruction and peer feedback on thesis drafts, and continued independent research. Open to seniors pursuing departmental honors. Requires permission from the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Requires permission of the Neuroscience Director of Undergraduate Studies.