Thomas Meade
Eileen M. Foell Professor
PhD, Ohio State University 1985; NIH Fellow Harvard Medical School 1985-1987; Postdoctoral Fellow CalTech 1988-1990

- Website
- 847-491-2481
- Silverman Hall 2-504
Regions(s): Systems Neuroscience; Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Research interest(s): Molecular Imaging; Electron Transfer Mechanisms; Metal Complexes as Transcription Factor Inhibitors
Research Summary
The Meade Lab research focuses on inorganic coordination chemistry for the study of molecular imaging of in vivo gene expression and intracellular messengers, transition metal enzyme inhibitors, and electronic biosensors. The design, synthesis and physical properties of transition metal and lanthanide coordination complexes are the foundation of our research.
Selected Publications
- Adams C., Meade TJ., “Gd(III)-Pt(IV)Theranostic contrast agents for tandem MR imaging and chemotherapy.” Chemical Science, (2020), in press.
- Adams C., Krueger R., Meade TJ.,“A Multimodal Ca(II) Responsive Near IR-MR Contrast Agent Exhibiting High Cellular Uptake." ACS Chemical Biology, (2020), in press.
- Lilley LM, Kamper S, Caldwell M, Chia ZK, Mallweg D, Vistain L, Krimmel J, Mills TA, MacRenaris K, Lee P, Waters EA, Meade TJ. “Self Immolative Activation of β-Galactosidase-Responsive Probes for In Vivo MR Imaging in Mouse Models.” Angew Chem Int.Ed Engl., (2020), 59, 388-394. PMCID: PMC6923588.
- Li H, Meade TJ. “Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Gd(III)-Based Contrast Agents: Challenges and Key Advances.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019), 141, 43, 17025-17041. PMCID: PMC6821590.
- Moore LK, Caldwell MA, Townsend TR, MacRenaris KW, Moyle-Heyrman G, Rammohan N, Schonher EK, Burdette JE, Ho D, Meade TJ. “Water-Soluble Nanoconjugate for Enhanced Cellular Delivery of Receptor-Targeted Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agents.” Biocon. Chem., (2019), 30, 2947-2957. PMCID: PMC6868311.
- Iscen A, Brue CR, Roberts KF, Kim J, Schatz GC, Meade TJ. ”Inhibition of Amyloid-β Aggregation by Cobalt(III) Schiff Base Complexes: A Computational and Experimental Approach.”J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019), 141, 16685-16695.
- Bajema EA, Roberts KF, Meade TJ, "Cobalt-Schiff Base Complexes: Preclinical Research and Potential Therapeutic Uses." Metal Ions in Life Sciences, (A. Sigel, E. Freisinger and R. Sigel, eds.) Vol. 19., Chapter 11, (2019), 4267-4301.
- Li H, Parigi G, Luchinat C, Meade TJ. “A Bimodal Fluorescence-Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agent for Apoptosis Imaging.”J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2019), 141 (15), 6224-6233 DOI: PMCID: PMC6939894.
- Hanson, ED., Lilley LM., Cain JD., Shiqiang H., Palacios E., Aydin K., Wolverton C., Meade TJ., Dravid, VP., “Phase engineering and optical properties of 2D MoSe2: Promise and pitfalls.”Materials Chemistry and Physics, (2019), 225, 219-226.
- Rotz MW, Holbrook RJ, MacRenaris KW, Meade TJ. "A Markedly Improved Synthetic Approach for the Preparation of Multifunctional Au-DNA Nanoparticle Conjugates Modified with Optical and MR Imaging Probes." Bioconjugate Chemistry, (2018), 29, 11, 3544-3549. PMCID: PMC6268127.
- LM Lilley, K Du, MD Krzyaniak, G Parigi, C Luchinat, TD Harris and TJ Meade. "Effect of Magnetic Coupling on Water Proton Relaxivity in a Series of Transition Metal-Gd(III) Complexes" Inorg Chem (2018), 57(10), 5810-5819. PMCID: PMC6016852
- Sleep E, Cosgrove BD, McClendon MT, Preslar, AT, Chen CH, Sangjie MH, Perez CMR, Haynes RD, Meade TJ, Blau HM, Stupp SI."Injectable Biomimetic Liquid Crystalline Scaffolds Enhance Muscle Stem Cell Transplantation."PNAS (2017), 114(38), E7919-E7928. PMCID: PMC5617293
- Preslar AT, Lilley LM, Sato K, Zhang S, Chia ZK, Stupp SI, and Meade TJ. “Calcium induced morphological transitions in Peptide Amphiphiles detected by 19F-Magnetic Resonance Imaging” by JACS (2017) In press.
- Verma KD; Massing JO; Kamper SG; Carney CE; MacRenaris; Basilion JP; Meade TJ. “Synthesis and evaluation of MR probes for targeted-reporter imaging, Chem. Sci., 2017, (2017), Ahead of Print. DOI: 10.1039/C7SC02217D.
- Hung AH, Lilley LM, Hu F, Harrison VS, Meade TJ. “Magnetic barcode imaging for contrast agents.” Magn Reson Med. (2017) Mar;77(3):970-978. PMCID: PMC5055837
- Rammohan N; Holbrook RJ; Rotz MW; MacRenaris KW; Preslar AT; Carney CE; Reichova V; Meade TJ. “Gd(III)-Gold Nanoconjugates Provide Remarkable Cell Labeling for High Field MR Imaging” Bioconjug Chem. (2017) Jan 18;28(1):153-160. PMCID: PMC5243168
- Preslar AT, Tantakitti F, Park KE, Zhang S, Stupp S, Meade TJ. “19F-Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signals from Peptide Amphiphile Nanostructures are Strongly Affected by their Shape" ACS Nano (2016) Aug 23;10(8):7376-84. PMCID: PMC5036169.
- Holbrook RJ, Rammohan N, Rotz MW, MacRenaris KW, Preslar AT, Meade TJ.” Gd(III)-Dithiolane Gold Nanoparticles for T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Pancreas,” Nano Letters (2016), 16(5), 3202-3209. PMCID: PMC5045863.
- MacRenaris KW, Zhidong M, Krueger RL, Carney CE, Meade TJ. “Cell Permeable Esterase-Activated Ca(II)-Sensitive MRI Contrast Agent” Bioconjugate Chemistry, (2016) Bioconjug Chem. 2016 Feb 17; 27(2): 465–473. PMCID: PMC4776747.
- Vistain LF, Rotz MW, Rathore R, Preslar AT, Meade TJ. “Targeted Delivery of Gold Nanoparticle Contrast Agents for Reporting Gene Detection by Magnetic Resonance Imaging” ChemComm, (2015), Dec 15;52(1):160-3. PMCID: PMC4679476.
- Rammohan N, MacRenaris KW, Moore LK, Parigi G, Mastarone DJ, Manus LM, Lilley LM, Preslar AT, Waters EA, Filicko A, Luchinat C, Ho D, Meade TJ. “Nanodiamond-Gadolinium(III) Aggregates for Tracking Cancer Growth In Vivo at High Field” NanoLett (2016) Dec 14;16(12):7551-7564. PMCID: PMC27960515
- Heffern MC, Reichova V, Coomes J, Harney A, Bajema EA, Meade TJ. “Tuning Cobalt(III) Schiff Base Complexes as Activated Protein Inhibitors.” Inorg Chem. 2015 Sep 21; 54(18): 9066–9074. PMCID: PMC4638226
- Carney CE, MacRenaris KW, Meade TJ. “Water-Soluble Lipophilic MR Contrast Agents for Cell Membrane Labeling” Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (2015) Sep;20(6):971-7. PMCID: PMC4546878
- Vistain LF, Yamamoto N, Rathore R, Cha P, Meade TJ. “Targeted inhibition of Snail activity in breast cancer cells using a Co(III)-Ebox conjugate” Chembiochem. 2015 Sep; 16(14): 2065–2072. PMCID:PMC4638217
- Harrison VSR, Carney CE, Macrenaris KW, Waters EA, Meade TJ. "A Multimeric Near IR-MR Contrast Agent for Multimodal In Vivo Imaging" J Am Chem Soc. (2015) Jul 22;137(28):9108-16. PMCID: PMC4512902
- Carney CE, Lenov IL, Baker CJ, MacRenaris, KW, Eckermann AL, Sligar SG, Meade TJ. “Nanodiscs as a Modular Platform for Multimodal MR-Optical Imaging” Bioconj Chem (2015), May 20;26(5):899-905. PMCID: PMC4486023.
- Rotz MW, Culver KSB, Parigi G, MacRenaris KW, Luchinat C, Odom TW, Meade TJ. “High Relaxivity Gd(III)-DNA Gold Nanostars: Investigation of Shape Effects on Proton Relaxation” ACS Nano. (2015) Mar 24;9(3):3385-96. PMCID:PMC4489565.
- Holbrook RM, Weinberg D, Peterson M, Weiss E, Meade TJ. "Light-Activated Protein Inhibition through Photoinduced Electron Transfer of a Ruthenium(II)-Cobalt(III) Bimetallic Complex" JACS (2015) Mar 11;137(9):3379-85. PMCID: PMC4487626.
Selected Honors/Awards
- 2016 Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors
- 2016 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- 2016 The J. Stieglitz Award: University of Chicago and the American Chemical Society
- 2016 Associate Editor, Chemical Science
- 2015 Fellow of the American Association of Advancement of Science
- 2015 Chemistry Inorganic Division Chair
- 2014 Douglas G. Hill Memorial Lecturer, Duke University
- 2012 Fellow of the World Molecular Imaging Society
- 2011 Fellow of the American Chemical Society
- 2010 Society for Molecular Imaging Exceptional Achievement Award
- 2010 Musselman Award for Visiting Scientist
- 2009 Illinois Biotechnology Industry Organization (iBIO) iCON Innovator Award
- 2009 Miller Professor, University of California Berkeley
- 2008 Northwestern University Excellence in Teaching Award