Robert Linsenmeier
Professor Emeritus

- 847-491-3043
- Tech E368
Regions(s): Systems Neuroscience
Research interest(s): Retinal microenvironment
Research Summary
Retinal microenvironment
We are interested in the microenvironment in which the neurons of the retina work. Studying the distribution and regulation of ions, substrates and metabolites allows us to understand aspects of cell biology, physiology and energy metabolism in the intact retina. Also, many blinding diseases are caused by problems with the vasculature and its ability to supply nutrients to the tissue. Our work provides insight into these diseases.
The focus of our current work is to understand the relationships between oxidative and glycolytic metabolism in the retina, and to work on animal models for diseases such as retinal vascular occlusion, diabetic retinopathy, and photoreceptor degenerations.
Selected Publications
- Wang S, Birol G, Budzynski E, Flynn R, Linsenmeier RA. (2010). Metabolic responses to light in monkey photoreceptors. Curr Eye Res, Jun;35(6):510-8.
- Crosson LA, Kroes RA, Moskal JR, Linsenmeier RA. (2009). Gene expression patterns in hypoxic and post-hypoxic adult rat retina with special reference to the NMDA receptor and its interactome. Mol Vis, 15:296-311. Epub 2009 Feb 9.
- Budzynski E, Smith JH, Bryar P, Birol G, Linsenmeier RA. (2008). Effects of photocoagulation on intraretinal PO2 in cat. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 49(1):380-9.
- Birol G, Wang S, Budzynski E, Wangsa-Wirawan ND, Linsenmeier RA. (2007). Oxygen distribution and consumption in the macaque retina. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 293(3):H1696-704.
- Wang S, Linsenmeier RA. (2007). Hyperoxia improves oxygen consumption in the detached feline retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 48(3):1335-41.
Selected Honors/Awards
- 2011 Chair, College of Fellows, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering.
- 2009 Fellow, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
- 2008 Associated Student Government Faculty Honor Roll
- 2008 Editor in Chief, Current Eye Research
- 2007 Theo C. Pilkington Outstanding Educator Award, Biomedical
- Engineering Division, American Society for Engineering Education
- 2005 Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society
- 2003-06 Bette and Neison Harris Professor of Teaching Excellence, Northwestern University, 9/2003 - 8/2006
- Director, NCEER - Northwestern Center for Engineering Education Research
- Institutional Leader, CIRTL at Northwestern