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Recapping the First Ever Department of Neurobiology UN Day Event

October 30, 2023


Members of the Department of Neurobiology gathered in Silverman Hall on October 25, 2023 for our first ever international event motivated by United Nations Day. We were greeted by a curated feast of international foods recommended by graduate students, postdocs, and research associates in the Department. As we built our plates and settled in, Chair Indira M. Raman shared inspiring words. Professor Raman started by leading us into a moment of silence to recognize the international sorrow happening beyond our celebration. She finished by acknowledging that the international language of science and the quest to understand the natural world had brought us all together. The Department members that suggested catering items then shared words about the significance of their community's food. Following the speeches, we mingled amongst our community and worked together to decorate a map with pins representing the places most significant to us. 

Thank you to all members of our Department for making this event such a success! Special thanks to our Chair Indira M. Raman for coming up with the event idea, to Franny for helping to organize the event, and to Eun Joo Song, Heydar Davoudi, Michaël Elbaz, Alex Pekerman, Daniel Bennett, and Miguel Simões for their contributions in building the menu.  

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