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Course Catalog

Courses Primarily for Graduate Students

NEUROBIO 402 – Advanced Neurobiology

2 credits (Fall)

This course is designed to expose students to cutting-edge research in neurobiology, and emphasize reading and critical discussion of primary literature.

NEUROBIO 595 – Independent Lab Research

2 credits (Fall & Spring), 1 credit (Winter)

The specific objectives for the student are: (1) To understand the research topics the laboratory investigates (2) To understand the research methods the laboratory uses (3) To develop critical thinking skills, the ability to meaningfully design scientific experiments, a work ethic consistent with those of a professional scientist, and appropriate time management skills.

Elective – Elective of your choosing

1 credit (Winter & Spring)

Each full-time student is required to take one elective during the Winter and Spring Quarters.  Note that some students will be restricted in their elective choice by their advisor.

TGS 512 – Continuous Registration

0 credit (Summer, if needed)

 Available to students who completed the program coursework and are continuing in their degree program (writing a thesis or dissertation and/or performing research required for the degree), but not receiving University or external funding. TGS 512 is a full time registration intended for students who are continuing to work in a full-time capacity toward degree completion. TGS 512 is $100 per additional quarter.