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Fall 2024 Class Schedule

Below are NEUROSCI courses expected be offered in Fall 2024.

For scheduled times of courses in other departments, go to CAESAR.

Enrollment in NEUROSCI 202-0 is limited to neuroscience majors only!

To declare a Neuroscience Major, please request an appointment through Please be sure to list your availability!

NEUROSCI 101-7-20First Year Seminar -This is Your Brain on CollegeFloresMWF  5:00 pm - 5:50 pm
NEUROSCI 202-0Cellular and Molecular NeuroscienceBrownMWF  1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
NEUROSCI 304-0-20Developmental NeurobiologyBozzaTTH  9:30 am - 10:50 am
NEUROSCI 320-0-20Animal BehaviorKozorovitskiyTTH  2:00 pm - 3:20 pm
NEUROSCI 324-0-20Neurobiology of Biological Clocks and SleepTurekTTH  11:00 am - 12:20 pm
NEUROSCI 390-0-29Microbiota-Gut-Brain AxisWangMWF  3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
NEUROSCI 390-0-61Neurotoxicology LaboratoryLiuTTh  2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
NEUROSCI 399-0Independent StudyKilmanAs arranged 

What happens if a class fills up during preregistration?

Preregistration allows majors to add up to 2.34 units before anyone else may register for Neuroscience related courses - lists of classes allowing preregistration. Preregistration is the ideal time for students to enroll in Group A or Group B requirements at a time when courses are only available to Neuroscience Majors. If you were unable to register for 2.34 units because the class you wanted was filled, you will be able to place your name on the waitlist during regular registration. Having your name on the waitlist does not guarantee you a spot in the class. It offers the opportunity to take the class if a registered student drops the class which you were interested in.


What happens if a class fills up during registration?
  1. Place your name on the waitlist.
  2. Wait to be contacted by the program assistant to see if you are able to register for the class.
  3. Once contacted, you must either remove your name and register for the class or remove your name from the waitlist.
Enrollment in NEUROSCI 202-0 is limited to declared neuroscience majors only!

NEUROSCI 101-7-20 First-Year Seminar: WCAS College Seminar: "This is Your Brain on College" will be taught by Luke Flores, PhD. In this WCAS first-year seminar, we will examine recent research on learning and memory through the unique lens of college life. What do we know (or think we know) about how memories are encoded in the brain? How is college a different learning environment than high school? Together, we will review scientific studies on the impact of college life on student academic performance, and correlate those findings with studies of human and animal learning in the laboratory. After taking this course, you will have a foundational understanding of the neurobiological basis of memory, learn how to read scientific literature critically, and develop strategies to improve your study habits and performance here at Northwestern University. Open to first-year students in Weinberg College. This course does not satisfy major requirements in Neuroscience but does serve as a Weinberg first-year seminar. There will be several writing assignments on a science-related topic.


NEUROSCI 202-0-20 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience will be taught by Justin Brown, PhD. Introduction to principles governing nervous system function at the cellular and molecular level. May not receive credit for both NEUROSCI 202-0 and BIOL_SCI 302-0. See Caesar for full description.

Prerequisites: Must be a neuroscience major and have completed BIOL_SCI 201-0.

Natural Sciences Distro Area


NEUROSCI 304-0-20 Developmental Neurobiology will be taught by Thomas Bozza, PhD. Embryology and cellular/molecular mechanisms of nervous system development. Topics include patterning of the early embryo and nervous system, neurogenesis, neuronal differentiation and cell fate specification, axon guidance and wiring of neural circuits, and activity-, experience-, and sex-dependent neurodevelopment.

Prerequisite: Student must have completed NEUROSCI 202-0 or NEUROSCI 311-0 or BIOL_SCI 302-0.

NEUROSCI 304-0-20 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.


NEUROSCI 320-0-20 Animal Behavior will be taught by Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy, PhD. Animal behavior from the neuroscience perspective. Neurological bases of foraging, communication, migration, predator-prey interactions, mating, and parental care. Lectures are typically held on Tuesdays. For student presentations (typically Thursdays) students will be assigned to present. 

Prerequisites: Student must have completed NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0.

NEUROSCI 320-0-20 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.

Natural Sciences Distro Area


NEUROSCI 324-0-20 Neurobiology of Biological Clocks and Sleep will be taught by Fred Turek, PhD. General properties of sleep and circadian rhythms; how sleep and the circadian clock regulate a number of diverse activities at the cell, organ, and organism levels. The importance of biological rhythms and sleep for human health and disease will be covered in this course.

Prerequisite: Student must have completed NEUROSCI 202-0 or NEUROSCI 311-0 or BIOL_SCI 302-0.

NEUROSCI 324-0-20 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.




NEUROSCI 390-0-29 Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis will be taught by Wei Chun Wang. Having an upset belly? You might be suggested to eat a cup of yogurt for some probiotics! It is probably old news that gut microbiota affects the gut environment and digestion. What could be more surprising and interesting is that growing evidence has revealed the interaction between gut microbes, the immune system, and the nervous system. This communication could change the physiology of the brain and in turn moderate behaviors, neural development, and neurological diseases. This course will guide you to explore this new and still-evolving area by critically reading primary research literature. You will work together with the instructor and your classmates in a safe and supportive environment to learn about our current understanding of these topics, examine the research contributing to new findings, and propose potential studies for future discoveries.

Prerequisite: Student must have completed NEUROSCI 202-0 or NEUROSCI 311-0 or BIOL_SCI 302-0.

NEUROSCI 390-0-29 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.


NEUROSCI 390-0-61 Neurotoxicology Laboratory will be taught by Yen-Chyi Liu. Have you ever wondered how common household chemicals like ethanol, caffeine, or weed killers affect development and neuronal function? Have you ever wanted to observe neural activity in a living, behaving animal? In this course, you will use larval zebrafish to study the effects of household chemicals on morphology, neural development and activity, and locomotor behaviors. You will gain practical lab experience on how to conduct studies using the scientific method, perform experiments to quantify behaviors and monitor neural activity, analyze different types of data, and improve communication skills. Come satisfy your curiosity on the connection between commonly used chemicals, neurons, and behavior.

Prerequisites: Student must have completed NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0

NEUROSCI 390-0-61 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.