Below are confirmed times that NEUROSCI courses will be offered in Fall 2018. These schedules can be used for quarterly registration planning and will be posted at least one month prior to registration for each quarter.
For scheduled times of courses in other departments, go to CAESAR.
NEUROSCI 303-0 Molecular Mechanisms of Neuropsychopharmacology
This advanced seminar course focuses on molecular mechanisms and aberrations of synaptic signal transduction and drugs that target them. Prerequisite: NEUROSCI 202-0 or NEUROSCI 311-0 or BIOL_SCI 302.
Animal behavior from the neuroscience perspective. Neurobiological bases of foraging, communication, migration, predator-prey interactions, mating, and parental care. Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0.
Survey of brain disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases, schizophrenia, addiction and traumatic brain injury. Trace progress from the laboratory to the clinic, evaluate the state of knowledge and understand future directions. Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; NEUROSCI 311-0 AND NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0. Recommend review of basic genetics and molecular biology.