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Winter 2022 Class Schedule

These schedules may be used for quarterly registration planning and will be posted at least one month prior to registration for each quarter.

For scheduled times of courses in other departments, go to CAESAR.

What happens if a class fills up during preregistration?

Preregistration allows majors to add up to 2.34 units before anyone else may register for Neuroscience related courses - lists of classes allowing preregistration. Preregistration is the ideal time for students to enroll in Group A or Group B requirements at a time when courses are only available to Neuroscience Majors. If you were unable to register for 2.34 units because the class you wanted was filled, you will be able to place your name on the waitlist during regular registration. Having your name on the waitlist does not guarantee you a spot in the class. It offers the opportunity to take the class if a registered student drops the class which you were interested in.

What happens if a class fills up during registration?
  1. Place your name on the waitlist.
  2. Wait to be contacted by the program assistant to see if you are able to register for the class.
  3. Once contacted, you must either remove your name and register for the class or remove your name from the waitlist.


Enrollment in NEUROSCI 202-0 is limited to declared neuroscience majors only!
During preregistration enrollment in NEUROSCI 206-0 is limited to neuroscience majors only!

To declare a Neuroscience Major, please request an appointment through Please be sure to list your availability!


NEUROSCI 101-6-21 First Year Seminar Insider’s Guide to the Language of Neuroscience will be taught by Valerie L. Kilman, PhD. Insider’s guide to the language of neuroscience: how to be seen, heard, and understood when communicating science. Are you excited about neuroscience? Maybe you’re thinking about a career in science or medicine. Want to learn about foundational neuro research and how to communicate it? Using historical and modern examples, we’ll learn about important discoveries related to neuroscience and read both professional accounts and public reports. Knowing how to talk about science to other professionals is like learning another language, including not only jargon but patterns of argument, word choice, and social rules that help determine whether you’ll advance and be taken seriously. These rules differ in some ways from how we communicate science with the public, whether it be talking to family, making a Tik Tok, or writing a science column for the local newspaper. Course assessment will include participation in class discussions about how science is conveyed orally, in writing, and other ways, and several written assignments with feedback.

Open to first-year students in Weinberg College. This course does not satisfy major requirements in Neuroscience but does serve as a Weinberg first-year seminar. There will be several writing assignments on a science-related topic. There may also be a non-written assignment including oral or video presentation. T/Th 3:30-4:50 


NEUROSCI 202-0-21 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience will be taught by Justin Brown, PhD. Introduction to principles governing nervous system function at the cellular and molecular level. May not receive credit for both NEUROSCI 202-0 and BIOL_SCI 302-0. See Caesar for full description.

Prerequisites: Must be a neuroscience major, and either BIOL_SCI 217-0 or BIOL_SCI 201-0 and either; CHEM 151-0 or CHEM 171-0 with a B- grade or above; or CHEM 132-0 or CHEM 152-0 or CHEM 172-0.

Natural Sciences Distro Area


NEUROSCI 206-0-20 Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience will be taught by Andrew Miri, Phd. This course explores current understanding of the organization and function of neural systems (visual, auditory, motor, etc.) within the mammalian nervous system. Topics include basic neuroanatomy, sensory processing, motor control, and higher cognitive functions including memory and language. Time will be devoted to presentation of essential knowledge form each area as well as to a discussion of key experiments that have contributed to our understanding. Course reading will be supplemented by primary research articles. May not receive credit for both this course and the former NEUROSCI 306-0/BIOL_SCI 306-0. See Caesar for full description.

Prerequisite: NEUROSCI 202-0 or NEUROSCI 311-0 or BIOL_SCI  302-0.

Natural Sciences Distro Area


NEUROSCI 311-0-20 Biophysical Analysis of Neurons for ISP will be taught by Indira Raman, Phd. This course provides an introduction to neurobiology from an electrophysiological perspective, with an emphasis on ion channel biophysics, quantitative electrical properties of neurons, synaptic physiology, and sensory transduction. Its goal is to provide a basis for understanding how information is encoded, transmitted, and decoded in brains, as well as offer an introduction to reading scientific literature. The next offering of this class will be winter 2024!

Prerequisite: ISP Majors Only or Neuroscience Majors with permission of the Neuroscience Director of Undergraduate Studies. Some facility with simple equations and graphing is suggested.

If you are a Neuroscience Major, and wish to take this class, send a request for a permission number to listing the reason you would like to take this class.


NEUROSCI 350-0-60 Advanced Neurophysiology Laboratory will be taught by Daniel Dombeck, Phd. In this laboratory course you will perform electrophysiological experiments in which signals from living neurons (action potentials, local field potentials, post synaptic potentials) are recorded using amplifiers and data logging equipment commonly found in advances research labs around the world.

 Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; BIOL_SCI 302-0; and consent of instructor.

NEUROSCI 350-0-60 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.


 NEUROSCI 377-0-20 Neurobiology of Sensation and Perception will be taught by Tiffany Schmidt, Phd. Analysis of the key concepts underlying the neurobiological mechanisms of vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, and pain. Neural pathways leading to perception and processing of stimuli will also be discussed.

Prerequisite: NEUROSCI 202-0 or NEUROSCI 311-0 or BIOL_SCI 302-0.

NEUROSCI 377-0-20 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.

Natural Sciences Distro Area


NEUROSCI 390-0-22  The Neurobiology of Stress, Adversity, and Resilience will be taught by Catherine Woolley, Phd. This writing-intensive and discussion-based course will draw from primary literature on the neurobiology of healthy and toxic stress, individual differences in stress susceptibility and resilience, to explore biological mechanisms by which adversity can influence health and other outcomes. Oral presentations and a final paper are required. No textbook required.

Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0;   or NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0 .

NEUROSCI 390-0-22 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.


NEUROSCI 390-0-23 Genetic and Circuit Analysis of Motivated Behavior will be taught by Hojoon Lee, Phd. Animals are programmed to behave strongly towards activities that satisfy our basic needs and enhance our chances of survival. This includes eating, drinking, sex, and social interaction. We will focus on the neurobiology of eating. How is food detected? How do we know when to eat and when to stop? What sets the priorities between eating and other needs? Do genes define behavior? What about neural circuits? Our goal is to answer these and many other questions about food. In this highly interactive class, we will read scientific articles, learn about cutting edge experimental techniques used in neuroscience research, discuss concepts, and practice oral presentation skills.  M/W/F 11:00-11:50.

Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0;   or NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0 .

NEUROSCI 390-0-23 may be used as a Neuroscience Group B elective or may be used as an Allied Field in Biology.


To declare a Neuroscience Major, please request an appointment through . Please be sure to list your availability!


NEUROSCI 101-6-21First Year Seminar - Insiders' Guide to the Language of Neuroscience: How to be seen, heard, and understood when communicating scienceKilmanTTH  3:30 pm - 4:50 pm
NEUROSCI 202-0-21Cellular and Molecular NeuroscienceBrownMWF  1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
NEUROSCI 206-0-20Systems and Behavioral NeuroscienceMiriMWF  10:00 am - 10:50 am
NEUROSCI 311-0-20Biophysical Analysis of Neurons for ISP RamanMWF  11:00 am - 11:50 am
NEUROSCI 350-0-60Advanced Neurophysiology LaboratoryDombeckThursdays  noon until 5:00 pm
NEUROSCI 377-0-20Neurobiology of Sensation and PerceptionSchmidtMWF  2:00 pm- 2:50 pm
NEUROSCI 390-0-22Neurobiology of Stress, Adversity, and ResilienceWoolleyTTH  9:30 am - 10:50 am
NEUROSCI 390-0-23Genetic and Circuit Analysis of Motivated BehaviorLeeMWF  11:00 am - 11:50 am
NEUROSCI 398-0Senior Thesis SeminarBrownTBD  TBD
NEUROSCI 399-0Independent StudyKilmanAs arranged