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Spring 2021 Class Schedule

For scheduled times of courses in other departments, go to CAESAR.



Registration begins on Monday, March 8th!
What happens if a class fills up during registration?
  1. Place your name on the waitlist.
  2. Wait to be contacted by the program assistant to see if you are able to register for the class.
  3. Once contacted, you must either remove your name and register for the class or remove your name from the waitlist.
Why do asynchronous classes list "permission number only"?

Since students have been allowed back on campus, many of the courses offered during spring 2021 will be taught in-person or synchronous remote. If there is a valid reason a student may not attend the synchronous session, a student may request a permission number from the program assistant to register for the asynchronous section.

Please send the request for a permission number to listing:

  1. the reason you may not attend the synchronous section
  2. your preregistration or registration times
Once approved by the Instructor and Dr. Kilman, the program assistant will issue the permission number. Please do NOT contact the Instructor or Dr. Kilman directly. All reasons for requests are confidential and will only be shared with the Instructor and Dr. Kilman.
NEUROSCI 206-0-21Systems and Behavioral NeuroscienceBrownSynchronous  MWF 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
NEUROSCI 206-0-22Systems and Behavioral NeuroscienceBrownAsynchronous  permission number only
NEUROSCI 303-0-20Molecular Mechanisms of NeuropsychopharmacologyKleinSynchronous  TTH 3:30 pm - 4:50 pm
NEUROSCI 326-0-20Neurobiology of Learning and MemoryYangSynchronous  TTH 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm
NEUROSCI 355-0-60Neurogenetics of Behavior LaboratoryKilmanIn-person Lab MW  3:00 pm - 4:50 pm
NEUROSCI 390-0-20Neurobiology of Homeostatic BehaviorBrownSynchronous  TTH 11:00 am - 12:20 pm
NEUROSCI 390-0-25Genetics of Human Behavior GallioSynchronous  MWF 11:00 am - 11:50 am
NEUROSCI 390-0-26The Biology of SleepAlladaSynchronous  TTH 12:30 pm - 1:50 pm
NEUROSCI 390-0-35Genetics of Human Behavior GallioAsynchronous  permission number only
NEUROSCI 399-0Independent StudyKilmanAs arranged